
  • Pre Nursery school for children from underprivileged families to educate them and enable them to seek admission in regular schools.
  • Rendering support to needy children in subjects like English, Maths and Science by conducting special classes.
  • Adult literacy classes for women.

Skill Training

As a means to seek livelihood as also to become economically empowered, classes were conducted for girls and women in the followingareas for skill development:

  • Beautician course
  • Computer training
  • Dress designing and tailoring
  • Handicrafts

Women who gained skill training have become entrepreneurs in specific fields, and are economically independent.

Awareness Generation

Awareness programmes are regularly conducted for young girls and women to help gain self confidence and move forward in society.

Healthcare and Nutrition

Health Camps are frequently organized

  • Eye checkup
  • Dental care
  • Bone density checkup
  • Anemia detection
  • Nutrition and health care for expectant mothers

These camps have immensely helped women whose health issue is treated as low priority in the home.

Adolescent Options and Opportunities

Adolescent girls are given regular counseling on values and do’s and don’ts when they go out to face the world. These programmes also provide career counseling to enable them plan their future. ealth Camps are frequently organized

Environmental Issues including Energy Conservation

Environment awareness programmes are regularly conducted

  • Safe drinking water
  • Waste management
  • Recycling of waste material
  • Conservation of energy and using alternate sources etc.